Jesus = Way, Truth and the Life. JESUS  |  21 OCTOBER, 2017

John 14:6 Jesus said I am 3 things to that you need.

I am the way the truth and the life. John 14:6 

1. The Way 2. The Truth 3. The Life.

The Way.

Why do we need a way? I don’t know if you have ever lost your way and felt stuck. Stuck in a job you don’t like. Stuck In a relationships that is abusive, Stuck in a pattern that is destructive and it seems there is no way past. Jesus is the way. I remember seeing my kids play a game similar to one I used to play a lot as a kid where I would block the way to room and only let my sister through if she knew the password… which was always “terrence is awesome”. My son Jeremiah broke his computer tablet and was without one for months. So my daughter hosannah sometimes would hold hers ransom to a password and would block the way for him to use her tablet until Jeremiah could give the magic word. Thank fully hers was a little less narcissistic than mine = “please”. Once it God the password – he got a safe passage way to everything he wanted – a tablet device filled will all the educational games and bible stories he could ever want – or so he would have me to believe – but when hear the sound of smash it derby, and shark attack – I know Its not what I think. Whats the point. Once he Got Hosannah’s password  he got the passage way and the desired destination – a device filled with hour of entertainment. Do you know Jesus is the password we need in the Spiritual realm to get unstuck, and unblock from all the things that not only do we find entertaining, but eternally satisfying.  What is Jesus saying is that when you feel stuck – He is the one who can help you get unstuck. He am not just the way  to the destination.. He am the destination. He am the way to the father and all the provision that comes with that: ”  I am in the father and the father is in me ” – when you JESUS me – you get your passage way to all the wonders you could wish for.

Today why not allow Jesus to lead you into the great wonders that he has prepared for you before time began.



Pray: Jesus thank you for showing me the father who loves me without condition. Thank you that in Jesus I find my way to become all you created me to be.


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